

Test Kitchen ep 4: How can a pandemic spur creativity in product development?

Our fourth episode we explore how the current global, even historic, pandemic has effected on some of our case companies locally here in Finland. We have interviewed so far four collaborators and picked their insights on how to navigate a business as well as its services and products through crisis. Hope this helps you to create more resilient solutions, enjoy! Our guests in this episode are Lauri Reuter from Nordic FoodTech Venture Capital, Carme Plumed-Ferrer from Probitat, consultant Mirka Olin and Mikko Koskinen from Kyrö Distillery as well as Petri Nylander from Ysub. The conversation is is edited and designed by researcher Hanna Huhtonen.

Listen in on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

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Anna KuukkaTest Kitchen ep 4: How can a pandemic spur creativity in product development?

Test Kitchen ep 3: What would you change as the food dictator of Finland?

In this third episode we ideate how research and business industry could join forces for the future of food. Join our guests Lauri Reuter, the founding partner of Nordic FoodTech Venture Capital and Carme Plumed-Fetter, the founder and CEO of Probitat and our researcher Erika Perttunen.

Listen in on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

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Anna KuukkaTest Kitchen ep 3: What would you change as the food dictator of Finland?


‘Behind the Scenes of Co-creating the Future of Food’ publication by DesignBites researchers, photographer – designer duo Maria Talvinko & Anna Kuukka presents a glimpse into the Finnish food and beverage scene and entrepreneurship on the front lines. The photographic documentary takes a peek at the backstage activities of the brands, showcasing how the companies operate in practice. Available at

The Behind the Scenes photographic documentary was initially exhibited as a part of Aalto University’s event Designs for a Cooler Planet in the DesignBites exhibition ‘Co-creating the Future of Food’ during the Helsinki Design Week in August-September 2020.

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From Crisis to Creativity

The multidisciplinary Aalto University DesignBites research project has interviewed 90+ packaged food and beverage entrepreneurs, as well as analyzed social media activities and industry statistics. We’ve analyzed over a thousand development actions, and are happy to present a spread of insights to treat the curious consumers, educators and organizations on co-creating new solutions, the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, and diverse avenues for pursuing different missions.

Read on Issuu or download below (available soon)!

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Tua BjörklundFrom Crisis to Creativity

Test Kitchen ep 1: What happens when a product developer walks into a bar?

In this episode, we explore co-creation with Kyrö Distillery founder Mikko Koskinen. We cover creating new products with consumers, bartenders, and other companies. Listen to find our what Aira Samulin has to do with all of this, and what bravery looks like in the context of new product development!

Listen in on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

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Tua BjörklundTest Kitchen ep 1: What happens when a product developer walks into a bar?

Welcome to our Experimentation Platform

How about exploring ideas beyond the easy and creating successful solutions? Feel like you need more inspiration for your experimentation amidst calm and crisis? Ever wondered whether there is untapped potential for collaboration and co-creation in your networks? If your answer to any of the above is yes, we have got you covered. Full post
Erika PerttunenWelcome to our Experimentation Platform

From Crisis to Creativity at the Global Specialty Coffee Market

We all know that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected many businesses globally and locally. When lockdowns and government restrictions were put in place, especially the food and beverage entrepreneurs globally needed to act quickly and find creative ways to survive the crisis.

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Erika PerttunenFrom Crisis to Creativity at the Global Specialty Coffee Market