Design Factory is the home of the bachelor-level minor Aaltonaut and master’s level Interdisciplinary Product Development minor open to all Aalto students, as well as the Product Development major in Mechanical Engineering and many courses across Aalto.

As an Aalto student, you are also most welcome to all of the open events at Design Factory, as well as to use our prototyping facilitiesas well as our open access toolkits and cases.

We also host annually ca. 40 different courses from all schools of Aalto University at the Design Factory. Check out below some of the courses that are part of the Design Factory community in one way or another and join in on the learning!


PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT is aimed at students interested in developing new products, solutions or consumer goods. The problems are given and sponsored by both domestic and foreign industrial companies, who are searching for innovative cooperation with the next generation of product developers. Over the recent years students have also pursued their own projects and startup ideas in PDP. 


PROTOTYPING FOR INNOVATION (MEC-E3005) is a six-week-long course diving into different purposes and techniques of prototyping. Open to all Aalto students, The course offers a combination of theory, company cases and hands-on practice in purpose driven prototyping for innovation. Groupwork is utilized during class time, but all outside-class assignments are individual assignments.


Design thinking and creativity for innovation (MEC-E3006) is a modular self-study online course – pick modules to your interest from a changing collection of contemporary topics relevant to product development, innovation management and creative efforts in organizations.


METHODS IN EARLY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT (MEC-E3020) covers the product development process from initial scoping to concepting. The course complements other courses in product development and is recommended to be combined with PdP, but can also be taken on its own.


GLOBAL INNOVATION PRACTICES (MEC-E3080) is a new course launching in Fall 2024, representing a collaboration of Design Factories across the world. This hybrid course combines cases and insights from different countries with face-to-face lectures on the Aalto campus to prepare you for global collaboration.


AALTONAUT is a new Bachelor’s Degree Minor Studies Programme in Interdisciplinary Product Development. Aaltonaut courses rely on problem-based learning as well as interdisciplinary teamwork in hands-on projects. Aaltonaut aims to educate its students on different aspects of product development, reinforcing an entrepreneurial attitude, and improving working life skills.



Mechanical Engineering in Society (MEC-E1001) is a compulsory course for master’s level mechanical engineers, exploring how mechanical engineering links to sustainability, creative solutions and the society at large. Students work on individual and group assignments to identify how products, technologies and careers link to sustainability goals and what we can do to advance the positive impact the field can have.

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International Design Business Management (IDBM) is educating global producers and leaders of innovation in new product, service and business development. The program builds on the premise that new wealth, meaningful social innovation and solutions are increasingly created in the spaces between disciplines and thus there is a need to educate interdisciplinary professionals.


PACK-AGE is an intensive 15 ECTS packaging design course uniting design, business and engineering thinking to sustainability and project-based learning. Students work in interdisciplinary teams with real projects from the industry. Creative problem-solving is a key concept. The idea is to use student’s background and prior knowledge as a resource for creative group work. The project work is supported by a wide range of theme lectures.


