Design Plus
Internationalizing design service business – excerpt from book ‘Design+ Organizational renewal and innovation through design’
Erika Perttunen 14/01/2020Designers as change agents – excerpt from book ‘Design+ Organizational renewal and innovation through design’
Erika Perttunen 03/01/2020I recently defended my PhD thesis looking into how practitoners with little or no experience on creative problem-solving practices approach ambigious problems and, on the other hand, how this type of work should be supported. My research got started at the Design Factory and the data was gathered from Design Factory-based industry project courses and from companies involved in research projects based at DF. Below is the transcript of the introductory lecture I gave at my defence.
Full postDisruptive innovations are challenging traditional industries and established players to seek new ways to enhance their internal innovation capabilities. Implementing design thinking into organizational practices can help bring users and their real needs to the center of the company, but remember to take into account varying perceptions across the organization, implement incrementally and secure mandate from management.
Full postIntegrating design thinking to existing structures takes more than just top-down mandates. Designers can become active issue sellers concretising the benefits of design approaches throughout their organisations, but they need access to information and channels to do so.
Full postMeasuring the impact of design
Tua Björklund 25/06/2018Written by Satu Rekonen
Applying design thinking in non-design organisations requires a change in mindset, which is easier said than done. Buying into the logic of the iterative approach requires fluctuating between divergent and convergent thinking, and this can be a struggle for people accustomed to a more linear approach.
Full postRituaaleja uudistamalla organisaatiokulttuuria voi muuttaa pienin askelin ja kokeillen. Design-ajattelu on oiva työkalu muutostyössä, sillä siinä korostuvat empatia, yhdessä ideoiminen, konkretia ja kokeiluista oppiminen.
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