

Anna Kuukka

Translating insight and creating tools for understanding

Anna has a multidisciplinary design background and she is accustomed to switching perspectives between research, trend forecasting, concept design, design management, product development and brand building. At Design Factory she is in charge brand communication and art direction of artifacts, services, spaces and other experimental touchpoints. Anna is passionate about creating design solutions that bridge abstract and concrete ideas, enable stakeholders to share understanding, and, above all, improve the life of their end-users.

Anna has a MA in design from Aalto University (2013) including International Design Business Management as her Minor.


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Tua BjörklundAnna Kuukka

Senni Kirjavainen

Senni is a designer doing research on design processes and ways of supporting creativity. She is involved for example in Design+ tracking initiatives taking design thinking to practice large tech companies.

Senni is passionate about smooth user experiences and services that really serve their purpose. She draws from a MA degree in industrial design from Aalto University, and doctoral studies in engineering design.

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adminSenni Kirjavainen