
All posts tagged Kähkönen


Courses and workshops: Pedagogical development at Aalto Design Factory

Alongside the pedagogical development services currently offered at Design Factory through courses, we sometimes get special request for pedagogical development workshops. Recently ADF was happy to welcome a group of Korean high school teachers looking to improve their pedagogical skills in an environment fostering entrepreneurship.

The workshop, in which the teachers reflected on what good teaching is, and what are some entrepreneurial skills, was based on the work by Tua Björklund, Elina Kähkönen and Maria Clavert.


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Marcela AcostaCourses and workshops: Pedagogical development at Aalto Design Factory

What works: Research-based handy tips and tricks for the curious professor – Part 7

If you start your university studies this autumn, there is enough time for the available digital information to multiply during your studies. According to studies, the new information is too much. As new data replaces older so quickly, data content therefore no longer creates a solid basis for a work career. Cramming has become pointless. For work life, university students need far-reaching skills. Changes in the amount and use of information also requires changes in learning skills, but universities’ teaching methods are changing very slowly. In Aalto Design Factory, our studies consistently show that the development of skills instead of knowledge is now more important. Information is left unused without the right skills.

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Marcela AcostaWhat works: Research-based handy tips and tricks for the curious professor – Part 7

What works: Research-based handy tips and tricks for the curious professor – Part 5

Series Part 5: The role of the teacher

When using the PBL method, the role of a teacher changes from being a lecturer to facilitating the learning process. Producing learning is not dependent on teachers’ ability to transfer knowledge to students. Rather, it depends on their ability to actively participate in their own learning process.

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Marcela AcostaWhat works: Research-based handy tips and tricks for the curious professor – Part 5