

DF book launch and DFGN celebration

On the brink of the Finnish Independence Day on the 5th of December, we (Aalto Design Factory & the global network) celebrated the launch of the new Passion-based co-creation -book and the growing DF global network.

On the brink of the Finnish Independence Day on the 5th of December, we (Aalto Design Factory & the global network) celebrated the launch of the new Passion-based co-creation -book. Co-written by the DFGN, the book consists of an introduction to passion-based co-creation and four different sections that take a stance on different viewpoints of how to ‘stir, empower, embrace, connect, and act in order to co-create’. Moreover, this was a day to celebrate also the growing DF global network with three new factories being founded across the globe as the year draws to an end. We are 21 now!

With a bit of pre-Christmas and DF spirit, as a souvenir from this event the participants were guided to make an in-kind contribution in exchange for getting a copy of the new book, and thus spark change in their surroundings. As pointed out in the book by Tua Björklund: ‘Less effortful and more specific behaviours are more likely to be followed through, so making things tangible increases your odds of translating intentions into actions’. With this thought in mind, we hope that some of these contributions will get followed through and ignite a chain reaction of positivity.

So, what were the most common contributions?  Looks like giving positive feedback and helping others won this time around. In case you missed the event and would like to cheer up the dark December evenings with an early Christmas present, come exchange your own in-kind contribution for your copy of the book from the DF lobby or download it from here.

Thanks everyone for participating and enjoy the holiday festivities!


Maria MikkonenDF book launch and DFGN celebration
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