We believe design and creative practices have much to offer in creating holistic solutions to the complex issues organizations and society face, crafting a triple bottom line of value that works in practice in addition to theory. Design represents a human-centered approach to change and development – in other words, just what we need to move the needle in making sustainable solutions a part of our everyday lives. Design + Sustainability takes stock of what harnessing design to tackle sustainability looks like in practice in the organizations of today.
Follow us on LinkedIn and instagram to get some bite-sized insights. Our aim is to start a discussion on the next steps that organizations and professionals can take to shape a sustainable future. We welcome you to join the conversation!
In Spring 2021, we interviewed designers and design managers at 101 organizations in Finland to examine how far along we are at leveraging design to create value. Talking with 29 consultanies and agencies, 66 private companies from all sizes and industries and 6 public organizations, we’ve synthesized key findings and examples on how design adds value in organizations and can advance sustainability. Click on the button to read the English report, or check out the Finnish version further below.
Haastattelimme muotoiluammattilaisia ja -johtajia yhteensä 101:ssä Suomessa toimivassa organisaatiossa keväällä 2021. Mukana oli 29 konsultti- ja muotoilutoimistoa, 66 yksityistä yritystä edustaen eri kokoluokkia ja toimialoja, sekä 6 julkista organisaatiota. Tutkimuksemme tavoitteena oli kartoittaa miten organisaatiot hyödyntävät muotoilua käytännössä, ja miten sitä nykyisellään valjastetaan kestävään kehittämiseen. Olemme koostaneet avainlöydökset raporttiin, jonka suomenkielisen version pääset lukemaan painamalla alla olevaa linkkiä.
Hoping to design more sustainable solutions, or teach sustainable design? Take a look at our Design & Sustainability Case Toolkit, a collection of case cards to serve as examples of different areas of sustainability and types of perspectives to consider.

Our exhibition, touring different sited between 2021 and 2023, offered insights and examples of how design can advance sustainability, ranging from manufacturing to retail and consumer goods to public services. Explore bite-sized insights on what are the most common issues and tactics tackled in sustainability through design, and get inspired by examples of improving environmental, social and economical sustainability. The exhibition has been constructed using UPM’s biobased material solutions and features a sculpture by Erwin Laiho. While the exhibition is no longer on display, check out the report and case cards for some inspiration on sustainable design!

- van der Marel, F. (2024). Implications of hospital workers’ sense of safety and effectiveness in participatory design. The Design Journal.
- Björklund, T.A. & Hannukainen, P. (2022). Tracking design from offerings to strategy. Touchpoint, 13(1), 86-92.
- van der Marel, F. & Björklund, T.A. (2022). Designers as change agents: Perceived roles in advancing sustainability in organizations on different design utilization levels. Design2022, International Design Conference.
- Björklund, T.A. (2022). Expedite change. In Valtonen & Nikkinen (eds.): Designing change – new opportunities for organizations (pp. 128-137), Aalto ARTS Books, Joensuu. ISBN 978-952-64-0758-6 / Björklund, T.A. (2022). Vauhdita muutosta. In Valtonen & Nikkinen (toim.): Muotoilulla Muutokseen – Kehitystyön uudet mahdollisuudet (ss. 128-137), Aalto ARTS Books, Joensuu. ISBN 978-952-64-0734-0
- Björklund, T.A., Keipi, T. & Maula, H. (2020). Crafters, explorers, innovators, and co-creators – Narratives in designers’ identity work. Design Studies, 68, 82-112.
- Björklund, T.A., Maula, H., Soule, S. & Maula, J. (2020). Integrating design into organizations: The coevolution of design capabilities. California Management Review, 62(2), 100-124.
- Björklund, T.A. & Keipi, T. (eds.) (2019). Design+ Organizational renewal and innovation through design. Aalto University, Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-60-3782-0. 220 p.
- Björklund, T.A. & van der Marel, F. (2019). Meaningful moments at work: Frames evoked by in-house and consultancy designers. The Design Journal, 22(6), 753-774.
Tua Björklund DF Director, Assistant Professor
+358 50 511 3182 -
Senni Kirjavainen Researcher
+358 50 521 5964 -
Anna Kuukka Design Coordinator
+358 50 537 2664