Design Factory will be closed for summer from 1.7.2022 – 31.7.2022.

It is possible to access DF normally using your key card/access tag/HSL card. In case you do not have access to DF and want to work here in July, apply for access to DF by 15.6.2022.

Apply for access at

Detailed instructions for students can be found on .

Doors open normally from 1.8.2022 (7:45 – 15:30) onwards.

If you have a summer project in mind or want to use DF over summer, get in touch with the people below!

Klaus Castrén – , 0504103664
Shreyasi Kar – , 0503025622
Kalevi Ekman – , 0505553566

JoelADF – Closed for the summer schedule