Event Spaces – These include, The Stage, The Studio and Puuhamaa. These are labeled in red shades.
Smaller Spaces – These include the likes of Audition, Engine Room, Birch and others. These are labeled in blue shades.
Filter the view – To see specific calendars, use the “calendar” filter button on the left.
[calendarizeit defaultview=”basicWeek” aspectratio=”2″ header_left=”rhc_search prev,next today” header_right=”month,agendaWeek,agendaDay” local_tz=”1″ firstday=”1″ loading_overlay=”1″ week_numbers=”1″ post_type=”events,events” feed=”1″ firsthour=”6″ slotminutes=”30″ mintime=”0″ maxtime=”24″ tooltip_disable_title_link=”1″ icalendar=”0″ icalendar_width=”460″ icalendar_align=”left”]