DF Access for Students

After going through the Design Factory Safety Manual (read here), students can get access to Design Factory 24/7/365 by applying on the at the Aalto Identity Management -site (IDM): idm.aalto.fi

There are three actions you need to take on IDM:

a.1 Checking/Registering an Access Token

b.1 Applying for DF Access

c.1 Creating your unique PIN code

a) Access Token

1) On the IDM home page click on ‘Access tokens’

2) Check if you have an existing student access token (HSL card) or staff access token (key tag) registered. If you have one registered and you don’t want to add a new token, you can skip to section b).

3) To add a new token, click on ‘Register token’ at the bottom

And then…

4) Select the ‘Student access token (HSL)’ from the dropdown menu

5) Type in the HSL card number from the back of your card

  • Click ‘Save’. You should see a green confirmation box at the top.
  • Click the Building icon at the top left to return to IDM home page

In case you have trouble with the HSL card, please be in touch with Klaus Castrén to agree on a time to pick up a key tag from DF. When registering a key tag, follow the instructions above with the exception of selecting ‘Staff access token’ from the dropdown, even if you are a student.

b) DF Access

1) On the IDM home page click ‘Start a new request’

2) Click ‘Physical access to special zones

3) Type to the search bar ‘Puumiehenkuja 5 K3’.

4) There are two options for 24/7 student access – general and prototyping:

4a) choose General 24/7 if you need access only to study spaces.

4b) if you have a need for both an access to study spaces and prototyping facilities you’ll have to take a workshop training (MEC-3900: Prototyping tools at the Design Factory)

Click on ‘Add to cart’ for chosen access type.

5) Under ‘Reason for request’ write the name of the DF course you are on, or any other reason why you want access to DF

6) Add Klaus Castrén as the contact person and click ‘Ok’

7) Enter current date into ‘Valid from’ and the end date for access (e.g. end date of course) into ‘Valid until’

  • Click ‘Submit’
  • After the green confirmation box, you can log out.
  • The activation of your access can take a few days. You can check the status from IDM or by trying your access token to one of the locked DF doors (e.g. the side entrance near Kafis).

c) PIN code

The doors might require using a pin code, to get into the building after office hours and during the weekend. In that case, show your token to the reader and type your pin code.

1) On the IDM home page click ‘Access tokens’

2) Click ‘Reset PIN’

3) Choose & write your new PIN code

Klaus Castrén Head of Community

+358 50 410 3664

JoelIDM Instructions