

What works: Research-based handy tips and tricks for the curious professor – Part 2

Part 2: The Environment

Immersing the student in an environment that favours activity and experience, and fosters immediate engagement, promotes knowledge and the development of soft skills. By feeling part of a supportive community, the student moves from completion of tasks to a more central role. A supportive environment provides a safe space for failure and promotes taking risks. It facilitates the mixing of study time and free time to support informal learning, which, like social learning, is about learning from others through active learning, social interaction, and belonging.

Part 2: The Environment

Immersing the student in an environment that favours activity and experience, and fosters immediate engagement, promotes knowledge and the development of soft skills. By feeling part of a supportive community, the student moves from completion of tasks to a more central role. A supportive environment provides a safe space for failure and promotes taking risks. It facilitates the mixing of study time and free time to support informal learning, which, like social learning, is about learning from others through active learning, social interaction, and belonging.

Genuine engagement can only be achieved by active collaboration in an environment which fosters a shared, multidirectional process of teaching and learning.

In terms of the physical space, informal, flexible, comfortable spaces that can adapt to the changing needs of teachers and students (for conducting workshops, lectures, discussions, group work and quiet study) have reported to be very valuable in the learning experience.


Series Part 1: Introduction to ADF ways of working

Series Part 3: Group work

Series Part 4: PBL Activities

Series Part 5: The role of the teacher

Series Part 6: Prototyping, failing, and learning

Series Part 7: The successful student and the role of university education

Series Part 8: Working in intercultural groups

Series part 9: Facilitated feedback sessions

Marcela AcostaWhat works: Research-based handy tips and tricks for the curious professor – Part 2
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